***This post will be made on fanfiction dot net, newgrounds dot com, gaiaonline dot com, and deviantart dot com, and involves the recent happenings of the user known as Leoshi (Author-of-the-sands on deviantart).***
Forgive me. My activity on several sites has been less than assuring. This is my official announcement of what is happening.
As some of you may know, and have no doubt noticed, my activity on sites I used to frequent has dwindled down to bleak inactivity. Despite the promises I have made to many of these sites, I find myself going down one road that prevents me from keeping these promises. In this regard, there are four specific activities: Writing, drawing, roleplaying, and composing.
My life is moving forward at a fast pace with music composition, and as such, I find that I cannot make time for gaia, fanfiction, or deviantart. Therefore, I hereby announce the reasons for this inactivity, and my apologies.
To all of my great friends, I beg your forgiveness. This is something that I can do well, unlike the other hobbies I have tried to perfect in the past several years. I am devoted to music production now, with video game design as a fallback and side hobby. The Ikusa game series is still planned, but does not have priority anymore.
This does not mean that I am abandoning any of the sites. For example, fanfiction dot net - once the Golden Sun DS game is released, I believe I will be active much more than normal these days, and if that's true, then I look forward to the days and nights I can discuss things with Natalie, Michael, Meg, and everyone else in my forums. Until that time, do not assume that I have simply disappeared. I'm still here - just pursuing a different path.
If you wish to follow me and my work, I submit nearly everything I create to newgrounds dot com. leoshi(.)newgrounds(.)com is my page, where you can view my latest work and news posts.
I have made a new email contact for my musical pursuits: leoshimusic(at)live(.)com . Feel free to contact me at either that listing, or the email linked to my account here - chroniclesword(at)hotmail(.)com .
Personalised for fanfiction: Guys, again, I'm sorry. Don't hesitate to post here with your opinions, because I won't hesitate to read them. I'm not leaving the Fellowship forever - I'll still be around to respond to your comments and questions. I do ask that we keep this topic focused, however. I've never minded general chatter, but this is kind of an important post. You understand.
Personalised for gaia: I'm sorry for all the promises I've failed to keep. For everyone - especially you, RosePhantom. I won't promise that I'll be online to check for PMs, but I will welcome every one I receive. Email is a better way to contact me. As for the guilds, while I would prefer to not be banned or demoted, I will not try to stop you if you feel it's necessary. I'm writing this to try to keep everyone as a part of my life.
Personalised for deviantart: With this, every artwork project promise I've made is forced to be abandoned and broken. I apologize. I do intend to continue to hone my skill at drawing, however. The lack of a scanner or quality camera will make uploading any work I have in the future difficult, but the will finds a way.
If any of you need anything, or if you wish to contact me for anything, I encourage you to do so at newgrounds or either email. I will make an effort to reply to each and every one I receive, and look forward to hearing from all of you. Even if you just want to talk to me, I'll be happy to.
To everyone...good luck to you all, in whatever path you choose to pursue. Never stop believing in another way, and never back down.
-Aaron Michael Hernandez "Leoshi"