Hell yes.
Superior badassness for your Heavy Metal wr0k. Can't wait for next version.
Hell yes.
Superior badassness for your Heavy Metal wr0k. Can't wait for next version.
I think I eargasm'd a little...
Very nice.
Excellent work overall. Unfortunately, it doesn't loop well, simply because of the volume differences. However, this is still an epic song in its own right.
Gah, I wish I had some of the percussion sounds you used here. Some things from the Pit...aha, nice to dream, isn't it? Hahaha.
Anyway: 9/10, 5/5, fave'd.
Simplicity at its best.
Loving this piece. It's nothing big, nothing too, so the sheer perfection in it shines through unhindered extravagant. I might take this, or a segment of it, for my game-that-I-may-never-finish, if you wouldn't mind?
All in all, excellent work. Top marks, fave'd, downloaded.
Isn't Plucked awesome? So simple, yet so useful...and is that Slayer I hear when the beat comes in?
The melody was very nice, and the effects built around it kept it fresh. I agree with the people here, this could go very well in a game or video - in fact, I might take it for a special battle scene in my game-that-I-might-never-finish. -_-;
As a whole: top marks, fave'd, dl'd. Awesome piece here!
I don't feel like writing a review blahblahblah nice song narghl narghl whozwiz distant is awesome cupcake sundae POM2 shotgun roach blahblah.
Makes me feel like I should be running a course in thirty seconds! Runrunrun! :)
lol i'm glad you liked it, and it dose seem that way lol
I've been saved! -Carlos
Very nice. It's very appropriate for a save room. Who knows, I might take this one for Ikusa as well. We'll see, we'll see. Top marks, fave'd.
It's really...um...colorful!
Heehee, thanks. It's me getting bored.
Despite the sound lack-of-quality, I like how it has the story behind it, cliche as it is. Beginning, Middle, and End. The final minute or so reminded me of the GBA Legend of Zelda games, so that's win. :)
There's actually more story that I want to put behind it, and I might actually make a movie out of it...
I just write stuff.
Age 35, Male
A paying one.
A schooly one.
In front of a computer.
Joined on 7/23/08