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I'm not a fan of chiptune, but this one had me smirking the entire time. I love the dance feel it has (Mario and Link at the club!).
Very nice
Loving nearly every bit of this. Some of the compression tends to bring down the song as a whole (maybe a pass through Soundgoodizer would clear it?), but I'm loving the notes, beats, and drive with this track. Excellent work.
Product placement anyone?
Hmm, now I must go out and buy some cream cheese...
and wheat O's dude
I didn't know you had submitted this - or, if you told me, I simply forgot since. As always, thank you for making this for my game. It's hard-ass awesome.
Very enjoyable
I really didn't notice the piano quality until my second listen. I was just amazed with the song. Very simple, yet deep and uplifting at the same time. I'd LOVE to use this in my Ikusa game, if you'd be so kind?
Plus, if possible, mind if I tried to re-sample the MIDI in FL? Maybe get some higher-quality piano sounds for ya.
10/10, 5/5, score +0.15
Haha, really? Of course!
And yes, it would probably be a good idea to resample...
I just write stuff.
Age 35, Male
A paying one.
A schooly one.
In front of a computer.
Joined on 7/23/08