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[IK] "The Travel to the Crossroad Town"

Posted by Leoshi - September 7th, 2010

**In an effort to both further interest for my game from the public and promote harder work from me, myself, and I, here's a teaser scriptline from Ikusa ~ Wartorn. This begins after three characters beat back an enemy wave, and decide it best to travel to the nearby town as one group.**

Ikusa ~ Wartorn

IK~W, Chapter I, Act I, Scene II, Part 1.1
Copyright 2004-2010 iPIMP, inc. Copyright 2010 Aaron Hernandez.

>[Izuma slowly wakes up with a pounding headache and a burning pain in his left shoulder. His vision is blurry, but as it sharpens, he sees two figures before him, talking amongst themselves.]
>Izuma: Mmm...gah, what happened...?
>[The two figures look up, and he sees that they are two women. One is in a flowing gown and has a bag of medicinal items open; the other is wearing a hooded robe, and seems in a sour mood.]
>Woman 1: Oh, you're awake! I was starting to get worried - you seemed to be in a lot of pain earlier.
>Izuma: Ugh...what...?
>Woman 1: ...you remember, don't you? ...the imps?
>[Flash three pictures of the recent battle against Demonic imps, the most likely reason behind Izuma's unconsciousness.]
>Izuma: ...oh. Yeah...sorry, I just...
>[Izuma's vision completely clears - he sees he's been pulled back inside the woodland, to avoid detection. The edge of the woodland is near, and beyond it, the Rine Plains. The glare of sunlight burns his retinas - he moves into the shade of a tree.]
>Izuma: ...why were they attacking you? Did you have something they wanted?
>[The second woman, in the hood, seems to glare, but quickly looks away. She self-consciously pulls her robe tighter, as though to hide herself.]
>Woman 1: No, nothing. At least, nothing I know of. Oh...sorry, you must be hurting after that ordeal. Here, take this.
>[She hands him a canteen with an intricate label on the side. Izuma's hand doesn't move.]
>Woman 1: It's a potion to help get your strength back, and to clear away the pounding headache I'm sure you're having. If it's anything like the one I had, you'll need this.
>[After a moment's thought, Izuma takes the jug and slowly downs its' contents. A warm sensation fills his body, and his headache almost immediately dissapates. He looks at the canteen, impressed.]
>Izuma: I...thanks. I had a guess you were a healer.
>Woman 1: Well...not quite. I know some basics, but I've never had advanced training.
>[The healer flashes him a smile. He nods, then turns his head to face the second woman, who is still looking away]
>Izuma: And you?
>[The hooded woman looks at him, but only for a second. She turns away even further, and responds barely above a whisper.]
>Woman 2: ...rian...no hea...
>Woman 1: Morianna, we can't hear you when you do that. Come on...
>[Morianna tenses up, but soon turns back toward the two. She finally faces Izuma, looking straight into his eyes.]
>Morianna: I'm Morianna. And I'm no healer...just a tracker.
>Woman 1: And I'm Meiko. Meiko Dawnson. You?
>[Izuma looks from one to the other, deciding he can trust them.
>Izuma: ...Izuma Satoan. I'm...just your ordinary traveller who happened to get caught up in a fight.
>Meiko: Well, Izuma! Thanks for coming to our aid back there. We would have been overwhelmed without your help.
>Morianna: An ordinary traveller? Is that so?
>[Meiko and Izuma both turn to look at Morianna, who chooses not to elaborate. She looks away.]
>Meiko: ...a...anyway...I was wondering...what were you doing out here, Izuma?
>[Izuma hesitates for a moment.]
>Izuma: I could ask you the same question. But I bet we'd believe each other, regardless of the answer.
>Morianna: How about "We're heading to town?"
>[Meiko grins.]
>Meiko: She's right. We were trying to get to Thurin before midday, but...well...
>Izuma: You got stopped by a one-in-a-million scenario?
>Meiko: Ah...well, yeah. Pretty much. Sorry.
>Izuma: Don't be. Happens all the time, believe it or not.
>[Izuma slowly stands, checking his equipment as he rises. He looks around. Meiko and Morianna stand up as well.]
>Izuma: Anyway, I was on my way to town as well. We're not far, but we are far enough to run into some wildlife along the hillsides. I can handle it on my own, but you're welcome to come with me if you want.
>[Morianna starts to protest, but Meiko speaks first.]
>Meiko: Really? Ah, well...sure, we can accompany you. We don't know this land too well, anyway.
>Morianna: Meiko! What good will telling him that do any of us?
>[Izuma stifles a chuckle.]
>Izuma: More than you'd think. Ever heard of the phrase "Information is power?"
>Morianna: Yes. But I heard of "Gods help those who help themselves" first, that's all.
>Izuma: But still, I'm sure you remember an even more interesting quote. It's "We're heading to town." Does it ring a bell?
>[Meiko laughs. Morianna pulls her hood down tighter.]
>Morianna: ...fine. We'll go with you. But we need to move soon. Those imps could come back at any time.
>Izuma: You've got a point there. Alright, Thurin is due South, so once we clear these trees, it's a straight shot across the Rine. Ready?
>Meiko: Mmm.
>[Morianna stares.]
>Izuma: Okay, then. Let's go.

IK~W, Chapter I, Act I, Scene II, Part 1.1 Concluded


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