I've come to realize the growing fact that my ability to work on my game without the proper software is coming to a close. As I near eighty percent completion, I know that the serious work is just around the corner. All of the hardest work - mapping, programming, audio, graphics, voices, scripting, etc. - will be contained within this twenty percent.
So, I find myself blessed that I have close friends who have agreed to spend their time to make the game as good as it can be. Without this team, Ikusa would probably never have been seen the way it's coming to be. Even for those who have yet to select a part, or are just beyond contact; their initial support drives me.
Making the game is my dream. Making the game good is my goal.
And yet the hardest work is the simple matter of bringing the two notions together. But I digress.
As it stands, my next real obstacle is the mapping. I have the general idea of what should go where - it's all just a matter of building it in the software. Software I, once again, have lost. *Facepalm* I swear you this, if I ever find myself in a two-thousand dollar surplus, I'm going to indulge my technical hunger a little.
Rush News!
-That "Link's Barrel Beat" is quite addicting. But I get the feeling that Tetra is having second thoughts about leaving the Ghost Ship.
-Thanks to one gas purchase, I effectively worked thirty-one hours last week for about a dollar-ten per hour. Damn bank took my check and left me with pocket change. I'm rich on lint!
-My ex invited me to join her and her friends on a camping trip sometime down the road. I do want to go, but I know she'll fall back into her schoolgirl fantasy "he's the only one for me" demeanor if I do. *Sigh*
-I need food. Seven Oreo cookies don't cut it.
-Executive Producers are awesome.