Gah!!! I've been focusing so much on Ikusa and schoolwork, that I can't tell the difference between the two anymore! I had dream about me sitting in my living room reading up on economics, when the TV turned on and start playing Conclusive Trials! What da eff???
*Gasp...pant...* my hunt for diverse voice talent for my game, I finally found time to ask a set of forums I manage on another site. The male/female ratio is maybe 2:1, so with a community of over a dozen, there's bound to be some kind of feedback. I just hope it's good feedback - I can't have one girl voice over three parts.
I'm dying to resume work on my music! I really want to try out different ideas for Believer and Honorbound, but I can't - no machine to call my own. Damn you, low wages!
*Continues ranting elsewhere*
Find its' weak point! I'll attack it for massive damage!