Had to go through a lot in the last week. I was hoping I would be able to continue work on my latest musical endeavor, but...well, events proved to make it impossible for now.
I was living with one of my old high school friends, yeah? Things were going great until about a month ago, when he and his family took in another guy who was my age. Since then, all of a sudden, I was the enemy in their territory, and was no longer welcome. You know, even though I was the only one who was paying them rent to live there.
I was run out by freeloaders.
Despite all I've done for them, I had no choice but to get my effects and leave as quickly as I could. I feel like they didn't bother to notice how good their lives had become since I moved in with them. My actions hadn't changed since I first moved in around August, yet...they decided NOW to find any issue with them.
It gives me a headache just thinking about it.
...well, after it's all said and done, I'm back to living with the family. We've made a plan so I can get back out into the real world in about four or five months - in the meantime, I'm trying to get back into school, so I can get paid to do what I love. And, as you all know, what I love most is to make your ears bleed with my 'musical endeavors.' :)